YellowFolder - Now a Proud Partner with the Wisconsin Association of School Personnel Administrators
We are pleased and excited to announce our new business partner WASPA who we will be working with as we expand the paperless nation in Wisconsin. There has been great momentum in northern K-12 schools towards paperless record management, WASPA school districts are sure to benefit from their adoption of the YellowFolder system.
We are confident that WASPA districts will quickly see the value of maintaining administrative, human resources, student and special education records on the YellowFolder platform. Over time, the YellowFolder paperless system will bring cost savings by reducing the use of paper, ink, and file cabinets in schools across the region.
Our Regional Sales Manager, Alexander Fergadis has been meeting with districts in the state of Wisconsin, delivering presentations about our groundbreaking technology. If you would like to schedule a YellowFolder webinar demonstrating the service, please contact Alexander at Our representatives, Alexander Fergadis and Dr. Tom Kelchner, will be supporting WASPA November and December conferences, they will be great venues for Wisconsin district officials to learn more about our products and services.
Our thanks to Mr. Hedstrom and his team for bringing YellowFolder to WASPA. We are excited to make waves in Wisconsin as school districts embrace the shift to paperless record management.
Please reach out to our team to find out more information on YellowFolder and our offerings.
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